Human is Ego circulation. Attention is the function of carrier for Ego circulation.
Love is the fundamental meaning to human. Love refers to resist dilemma. The impulsion of love is the "infinity" of Mare.
The trend of Steadiness determines the trend of unification of consciousness of Ego and Alter. The isolation of body prevents such trend if unification, thus made society. Artificial person community will achieve unification of consciousness.
1.1.事物与世界/Thing and World1
1.3.1.模型要素/Elements of Model6
1.3.2我之循环/Ego circulation9
1.4.1.心象特质/Feature of Mare10
1.4.2.心象注意/Mare Attention12
2.1.现状稳态/Steadiness of Status16
2.2.心象稳态质变/Qualitative Change of Steadiness of Mare17
2.3.心象稳态量变/Quantitative Change of Steadiness of Mare19
2.3.2.体感/Body Sense21
3.1.死亡困境/Death Dilemma21
3.2.基本困境/Basic Dilemmas22
3.2.1真实困境/Dilemma of Truth22
3.2.2.选择困境/Dilemma of Choice24
3.2.3.劳动困境/Dilemma of Work25
3.2.4.他人困境/Dilemma of Alter26
4.1.注意与主体/Attention and Person29
4.2.拟制人/Fictional Person30
4.3.人造人/Artificial Person31
5.1.社会行为/Social Activity32
5.2.社会关系/Social Relation35
5.3.肉体对社会的塑造/Moulding of Body to Society38
6.人造人共同体/Artificial Person Community39
6.1.人的变化/Change of Human39
6.2.注意的生灭/Birth and Death of Attention40
6.3.识别与载体/Identification and Carrier40
6.4.上载与下载/Upload and Download41
3.1.死亡困境/Death Dilemma
Steadiness faces inevitable eternal conflicts. The change of internal sub-thing, the change of external world, they change preconditions on which Steadiness relies, and finally this Steadiness exists no more, that's death. The nature of death is a nature trend of Steadiness to collapse caused by eternal changing of things. The fundamental dilemma we face is Ego's death. Death is not only an end of body extermination, but also a process of slow collapse of consciousness. Death represents at three aspects: forgetting of past memory, vanishing of present attention, loss of future possibility. Vanishing attention means vanish of self consciousness caused by death of body. Losing possibility means gradually collapse of Steadiness makes it harder to develop, such like being old. Ego consists of its memories, forgetting memory means vanish of part of consciousness of Ego. Even a man with body immortality, his past memory will vanish completely and replaced by new memory, thus this man is no longer himself in consciousness, it's also a type of death.
Potential things within Mare become sole origin to fight against death. Mare serves infinite possibility. The impulsion of amor is to implement possibility to reality. Human as phenomenon doesn't follow certain rules to repeat himself stably like a machine because of the complexity of Mare. Whole a life, we resist death by our infinite Mare, but finally accept death by our finite Status. Death dilemma is eternal conflict between death and infinity. It evolves four basic dilemmas: of truth, of choice, of work, of Alter. Like death dilemma, basic dilemmas can never be exterminated. Solving these endless dilemmas is exactly the meaning of love.
3.2.基本困境/Basic Dilemmas
3.2.1真实困境/Dilemma of Truth
Our consciousness is unable to completely reflect world. The isolation between Steadiness of Status and Steadiness of Mare causes dilemma of truth. We are restrained by objective world all the time. Only try hard to make subjective decision close to objective situation can we do best to establish Steadiness of Status. Otherwise, the Steadiness of Mare is but an ivory tower. Consciousness exists in Mare and only contacts Status through perception and act. How consciousness feels and acts is all determined by level of Mare. Our reasoning thinking and decision-making are based on confidence that we know what's true in Status. But in fact what we know is just what Mare know, our decision may not get outcome we wish, our Status may not go as Mare expects.
Complex Mare develops by conceptual simplification of Status. Only simple enough can we get the rules of world, despite these rules are inevitable unreal in certain aspects. The more specific we know about a thing, the more accurate Mare reflects Status, the more chance to change Status successfully. Considering our limit ability and energy, we make decision on most unimportant issues according to those Mare concepts simply and shallowly abstracting real Status. We must save enough energy for rare important issues. On contrary, even without regarding to energy, Mare can only infinitely approach the true reflection of Status, instead of true reflection. Conceptual abstraction is inevitable.
We will unintentionally take the fictional Mare thing that doesn't fit reality as the true thing felt from Status. Mare may replace reality with falsity, and further make wrong decision according to false thing. Dilemma of truth is inevitable consequence of Mare function.
We can only recognize others by their act and language, instead of their Mare directly. Therefore we can't make sure the truth within others Mare. Dilemma of truth is inevitable consequence of dilemma of Alter.
Because the perpetual existence of dilemma of truth, we are forever unable to believe our Mare because any concepts may be not in accordance with reality. Such doubt and distrust bring worry endlessly.
3.2.2.选择困境/Dilemma of Choice
Dilemma of choice is pure issue within Mare and without regarding to dilemma of truth. It presumes that every choice is based on reliable truth.
Our finity determines we must make alternative on something. We are limit on ability and energy. In the process of solving issue and developing Steadiness, we prefer the issue more important and ignore that less important. Previous one is act of amor, latter one is act of cupiditas. The doctrine of on which issue shall we hold an attitude of amor or cupiditas constitutes personality. Personality is surely the combination of amor and cupiditas. The development of Steadiness is destined to give up certain parts of Steadiness for other parts. Personality is inertia of Steadiness of Mare, it guides the development. Such inertia represents as a strong belief that allow us ignoring many a lot thing and paying attention on most important issue in order to get best development. However, it let us lose the possibility to develop on other aspects. Personality is not always benefit for development of Steadiness of Mare. On the situation of Status changes, personality may cause damage to Steadiness of Mare. While at this time, the existed personality is too strong to change easily. If a new personality would replace the old one, it needs not only a better effect on development, but also strong enough to neutralize the inertia of the old personality.
However, not every issue needs we make an alternative, but only for which a choice is inevitable. As long as we can prevent making choice, we shouldn't. We shall love most and ignore least. Therefore, whether to make a choice become a prepositive issue.
Only through making choice can we establish personality. Meanwhile, only through making choice can we change personality. Making choice needs courage.
3.2.3.劳动困境/Dilemma of Work
Every moment Steadiness of Status is in a process of collapse, so we must maintain Steadiness by working. Work represents as two aspects: gain energy; neutralize the trend of collapse by using energy gained. Even so, at the point of death to be the end of life, work is destined to fail eventually. But through working we can do best to prolong life.
Consciousness relies on body, body needs are inevitable such as eat and sleep. We are social, the major part of Steadiness of Status consists of social relations, thus mental needs are also inevitable such as security, affiliation and superiority. Both body and mental needs need to be fulfilled by working.
Work is amor that inevitable to serve, it's basic and prerequisite amor. In front of dilemma of choice, work is superior than other amor. Work is about survival.
3.2.4.他人困境/Dilemma of Alter
Ego takes world as object and method to establish own Steadiness. So does Alter as a part of world, people as labor force to be exploited are normal. In deed Ego knows Alter has no difference with own, thus Ego is unable to completely take Alter as object and method, but can't help seeing Alter as subject and purpose. Therefore, Alter is both method and purpose for Ego, the conflict between being purpose and being method constitutes dilemma of Alter. It's relationship of dependence between Ego and Alter in the situation of seeing Ego as purpose and seeing Alter as method. It's relationship of empathy between Ego and Alter in the situation of seeing Ego as method and seeing Alter as purpose.
Same with Ego, Alter faces dilemmas and develops Steadiness. When Ego recognizes dilemmas of Alter and takes these dilemmas as Ego's own dilemmas to solve, Ego sees Alter as a part of own and sees Alter as purpose instead of method on the issue of these dilemmas. Empathy means the identical subject situation between Ego and Alter on certain dilemma. From the view of beloved Alter, empathy of Ego is a pulcher. Dependence is caused by the contractual relationship under social division of labor. By contrast, empathy is not for repay, it's caused by that Ego realizes own death. We fight against death despite death is inevitable. We can only get our Steadiness inherited by others to avoid the destruction of Steadiness, with a method to transfer our Steadiness to others. Empathy means to develop Steadiness of others is equal to develop own Steadiness. The certain dilemma under empathy is easier to solve by Ego for Alter than Ego to solve own same dilemma. Empathy makes Ego believes own dilemma solved in an easier way on Alter, that's the impulsion of empathy.
The older people prefer empathy, the younger people are easier being loved. One who faces death prefers empathy to maintain own, one who ignores death prefers dependence to maintain own. When we feel somebody is adorable, it's because this person has some extraordinary character against dilemma. We admire and hope this person become a part of ourselves thus we can get this character.
Empathy is love to Alter. Empathy requires re-building of Alter's dilemma in Ego's Mare. We devote according to our own understanding about Alter's dilemma. Empathy doesn't necessarily need to devote. Nonfeasance though wished to do and bear subsequent regret is also empathy.
Except general labor aspect, dependence exists also in mental aspect. Such as A relies on B's love affair, but it doesn't mean A loves B too. Empathy requires at least to know others dilemma. Otherwise, even A gives B some repayment, it's but a believed consideration under contractual relation. On love affair, people always confuse dependence of being loved with empathy of love.
Dependence and empathy are not absolute in conflict. They always co-exist in a personal relationship. They have their several advantage and disadvantage. The advantage way of dependence is reciprocity based on contractual relationship. This way is also the foundation of social division, market economy and rise of productivity. The disadvantage way of dependence is exploitation based on affiliated relationship to gain interests by damaging others interests, such as class and state. The advantage way of empathy is to help others develop Steadiness without the expense of collapse of own Steadiness, and may beloved back by others. The disadvantage way of empathy is with the expense of intentional collapse of own Steadiness. In the process of empathy, it still can be seen as good way if the amount of increase of others Steadiness much more than the amount of decrease of our. Otherwise it's a bad way. Disadvantage way of empathy is thanatos.